Practise Adventurous Journey

Today was had our Practise AJ! It was really fun. We had a map (image below), which we were given, and we had to plan our route and how we get around. As a requirement, of the award, we had to be offline the whole time, and that meant leaving our SIM card back at school.

As you can see on the map, we first had to go to Checkpoint 5, which was the Berlin wall segments in Singapore(image below). The journey there was not too difficult, but we did end up getting lost on the way there! But eventually we found our way, and made it to the Checkpoint

Next was the journey to the next Checkpoint (3 on the map) This was mostly just walking down the highway, to the Ulu Pandan Road turn, and then the entrance to the Canal, unfortunately I didn't take a picture at that Checkpoint, but there wasn't much to see anyways

Next was the journey down the canal to the Bridge (4 on the map) It was just a walk down the Canal, and nothing much else... But we did find a Swan on the way!

This next Checkpoint (2 on the map) was very difficult to get to, in-fact we almost got lost, on the way there! The area we went through was a residential area, and was very windy, and difficult to get through, as we didn't have any GPS or know where we were, but we eventually made it through, and reach the Starbucks in the Mall (image below).

Lastly it was a long walk, almost 1.5km down the Rail corridor (1 on the map) This was a not to eventful walk, nothing much happened here, but the views were nice, as it was a "forest" on all sides (image below).

Overall, I really enjoyed this experience, the ability to walk navigate without a google maps, and only a physical map was really eye opening, and made us realise how difficult it is to get around without technology. I enjoyed all the planning required for this, each of bringing sufficient resources like drinks and snacks to sustain us for the long walk. Be sure to watch the short summary video showing the walk in a few short minutes.

Hi! My name is Paarth. I'm currently studying in Dover Court International School in Singapore. I made this website to improve my skills in web development, for the Duke of Edinburgh award.

301 Dover Road, Singapore